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The redesigned Kongresshaus Baden-Baden with a total area of 4500 square metres offers innovative room concepts and working solutions individually tailored to the customer’s needs. Four large conference rooms and thirteen meeting rooms spread over four floors allow for events with capacities of up to 2700 participants. baden congress casino - 1000 CHF Gratuits Congress Casino Baden BetriebsgmbH | Casinos AustriaCongress Casino Baden is a symbiosis of historical ambience and the latest technology. On 3 different levels there are 4 spacious halls of varying sizes available for all manner of events… Congress casino baden austria Click and play# / congress, casino, baden, Erste Bank – Bankkonditionen. ICOI Europe PSI Symposium (May 2019), Baden-Baden Germany ... 4 people interested. Check out who is attending exhibiting speaking schedule & agenda reviews timing entry ticket fees. 2019 edition of ICOI Europe PSI Symposium will be held at Kongresshaus Baden-Baden Betriebsgesellschaft mbH, Baden-Baden starting on 23rd May. It is a 3 day event organised by International Congress of Oral Implantologists and will conclude on 25-May-2019. Declaration | Privacy Statement | Company | Casinos Austria

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The redesigned Kongresshaus Baden-Baden with a total area of 4500 square metres offers innovative room concepts and working solutions individually tailored to the customer’s needs. Four large conference rooms and thirteen meeting rooms spread over four floors allow for events with capacities of …

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